
Whilst ‘Fad Diets’ tend to deliver impressive results in the short term, the majority of such diets are unsustainable in the long term. Restricting your intake of certain foods, nutrients or the times at which you eat are all quick fixes that all fail to address the underlying behaviours that caused the weight gain in the first place. If these issues are not addressed, then as soon as you conclude your 6,8,12 or 24-week diet, you’re likely to regain all of the weight that you lost and maybe even more.

The key to avoiding falling into this trap is to play the long game and focus on educating yourself about how to effectively nourish your body as part of an active and healthy lifestyle. Remember, nutrition plays an important role in your overall fat loss plan and an emphasis should be placed on eating a reduced calorie, anutritionally balanced diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables. This will ensure your diet is effective, nourishing and sustainable long term – all of which are critical factors for weight loss success.