
It is misguided to think that if you work out 3-4 times per week you can eat what you like and still lose weight. Weight loss only occurs when you consume less calories than you expend and unfortunately, the amount of calories burned through exercise is often considerably less than the calories we consume through food. For example, the average man would have to run for approximately 45 minutes on a treadmill to burn the the 490 kcal’s contained in a McDonald Big Mac.

The amount of calories burned during exercise is seldom enough to create a meaningful reduction in calories in most peoples diets. A far easier way to reduce your calories is to simply eat less food or eat food with less calories in. That way you don’t have to train with excessively high volumes and you can still eat the foods you enjoy.

Download The Peak Performance On The Go Nutrition Guide

25 delicious and healthy meals that can be bought from stores less than 5 minutes walk from your offices. 

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