
I’m currently just over eight weeks out from my holiday to Portugal. 

I’m by no means out of shape but for the sake of vanity I would like to cut some weight to make sure I’m looking my best when I hit the beach in mid July. I weighed in at 90kg this morning on the scale. Ideally, I would like to weigh 84kg by the time I fly our which means I need to lose just under a kilo a week between now and the 11th of July. 

It’s a realistically achievable target.

All it’s going to take is for me to step it up a gear with both my diet and exercise. 

Right now I’m training four times a week.

Now that I’ve recovered from my injury I’ll definitely be able to push the intensity higher during my sessions and I could probably do a fifth session per week. I could also probably increase my step count on the weekends. While these adjustments to my training will undoubtedly make a difference to my results, it’s my nutrition that probably has the most room for improvement. At present I’m prepping five meals a day, five days a week.

However I’m not tracking my calorie or macronutrient intake in a food diary and I’m not prepping any of my meals on the weekend. This means there’s a good chance I’m over-eating both during the week, and on the weekend.

With that in mind, the first thing that I’m going to do is start tracking my calorie and macronutrient intake in My Fitness Pal to see where I’m at.

Stay tuned for next weeks instalment to find out how I’m getting on.