
Five Mistakes Every Beginner Makes When Exercising That Inhibit Progress, Prevent Weight Loss and Keep Them Trapped In a Cycle of ‘Yo-Yo Exercising’.

Could your weight loss plateau be caused by what you’re not doing, rather than what you are doing?

If you’re a beginner, and you’re not seeing the kind of weight loss results you would like from your weight loss routine it’s more likely that ‘errors by omission’, i.e the things you’re not doing, are having a bigger impact on your results than the things you are doing. 

Here are five of the most common ‘errors by omission’ that can impact beginners results;

  1. Not showing up for sessions; skipping sessions disrupts the process of incremental improvement which is crucial for weight loss success.
  2. Not following a program; without a plan your workouts will lack direction and you will fail to capitalise on the compounding effective of progressive workouts.
  3. Not tracking progress; tracking progress increases motivation and confidence while providing valuable insights about what works.
  4. Not focusing on form; poor technique increases the risk of injury and reduces the effectiveness of the exercise which can both lead to plateau’s.
  5. Not working hard; insufficient effort during workouts means you burn less calories which will hamper your progress towards your weight loss goals.

Sometimes what you don’t do, has more of an impact than what you do.

Avoid these errors of omission with your own training and watch your results improve dramatically.