
Three Fears Every Beginner Has When They First Start Out Strength Training – How To Overcome And Feel Confident Working Out In The Gym

From the outside, the weights room can look like an intimidating place.

Which is why pretty much everyone feels a sense of fear and trepidation when they first start out thinking about strength training. These fears are often exaggerated in our minds. When we give in to our fears they can become deeps-seated, invisible barriers that hold us back and stand in the way of us actualising our full potential.

But like all fears, our fears of strength training can be overcome.

Here are three common fears everyone faces when starting strength training, and how to overcome them;

  1. Injury; You can easily mitigate the risk of injury by warming up, setting up the equipment correctly, practising good technique and using a light weight with the support of a spotter. 
  2. Failure; By adopting a growth mindset you can learn to reframe setbacks as an opportunity for growth and development on the way to success, rather than an objective failure that is final.
  3. Judgement; the best way to overcome a fear of judgement is to allow yourself to make mistakes to remind yourself that everyone starts somewhere and to focus on learning and improving.

Every fit, strong and healthy person faced these same fears when they first started out strength training.

If they can overcome them, so can you.