3 Weight Lifting Tips For Beginners
Here’s what you need to know… The first step in any beginner's weight training program should be to learn the basic barbell exercises - the Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift and the Press. These are the most effective exercises for increasing muscular size and strength....

3 Important Benefits of Lifting Weights
Here’s what you need to know…. Weight training increases both muscular size and strength which will have a profound effect on not only your appearance but also on markers of physical health as well. Increasing an athlete’s strength is one of the quickest and easiest...

3 Common Diet Mistakes & How To Avoid Making Them
Here’s what you need to know…. If you’re not tracking your daily calorie intake it’s easy to overindulge on foods that have a high-calorie content without noticing. This can result in a positive energy balance and compromise results. Restricting your intake of certain...

3 Ways To Monitor Your Progress
Here’s what you need to know… Whilst it can feel uncomfortable stepping on to a scale or in front of a mirror, it’s important to record your progress at regular intervals throughout the duration of your fat loss program. Bathroom scales, skin-fold callipers and...

3 Benefits Of Keeping A Food Diary
Here’s what you need to know….. The simple act of recording what you eat will quickly raise your awareness of the calorie content and nutrient profile of the foods you’re eating. This will enable you to make better choices about the foods you eat. Food diaries offer a...

Beginner Mistakes No.5 – Trying To Out Train A High Calorie Diet
It is misguided to think that if you work out 3-4 times per week you can eat what you like and still lose weight. Weight loss only occurs when you consume less calories than you expend and unfortunately, the amount of calories burned through exercise is often...

Beginner Mistakes No.4 – Following A Fad Diet
Whilst ‘Fad Diets’ tend to deliver impressive results in the short term, the majority of such diets are unsustainable in the long term. Restricting your intake of certain foods, nutrients or the times at which you eat are all quick fixes that all fail to address the...

Beginner Mistakes No.3 – Setting Unrealistic Goals
Setting goals in the gym is a great way to give yourself focus, direction and an objective measure against which you can assess your progress. However, a lot of beginners set targets that are so unrealistic they often end up overwhelming themselves, undermining their...

Beginner Mistakes No.2 – Using Too Much Weight
Using too much weight is a surefire way to expose yourself to injury and undermine your progress. You see in order to lift a weight that exceeds your current capabilities your body has to find a way to make the exercise easier. There’s a variety of ways your body can...

Beginner Mistakes No.1 – Too Much Variety In Your Routine
A big mistake I see beginners make when it comes to their training routines is incorporating too much variation into their program. Whilst it is important to include variety in your routine and utilise different training methods, often times I see both trainee’s and...