
Five Tips Every Beginner Should Know When Starting Strength Training After Rehabilitating An Injury 

Recovering from injury? Then strength training is a must.

Lifting weights is a safe and effective way to restore previous levels of physical function after injury and prevent re-injury from occurring in the future. 

But it has to be done correctly. 

Here are five practical tips beginners can follow to get started with strength training after rehabilitating an injury;

  1. Focus on form and tempo before adding weight; don’t make the common mistake of re-injuring yourself by lifting too much weight, too fast, with poor technique.
  2. Work through a pain free range of motion; Gradually increase the range of motion for any given exercise as your strength and confidence builds.
  3. Be patient with the recovery process; your body will heal in it’s own good time, don’t set yourself back further by losing patience and pushing to hard, too soon.
  4. Listen to your bodies signals; whether they occur during or after your workouts feelings of pain, instability and fatigue are your sign to slow down, rest and recover.
  5. Consult with an expert; self-diagnosis and self-treatment often do more harm than good whereas working with a professional ensures you’re exercising safely and correctly from the outset.

Strength training is a crucial part of the rehabilitation process.

Implementing these five tips can help beginners take the right approach to the strength training following an injury.